The Migraine Manual

The Migraine Manual is a comprehensive resource written for people with migraine. This book discusses the various symptoms of migraine, not only symptoms that occur during migraine attacks but also symptoms that occur in the attack-free periods (e.g., brain fog, motion sickness, sleep difficulties) and co-morbid disorders (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia). The Migraine Manual also discusses the relationship of migraine and vestibular disorders, hormonal changes, and other headache disorders. Most importantly, The Migraine Manual discusses comprehensive, holistic treatment strategies for migraine, including dietary changes, exercise, nutraceuticals, alternative medical treatments, preventive medications, rescue medications, neuromodulation, and planning for the future.

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Are there drug-free treatments for people with migraine?

Yes! The Migraine Manual guides you through the nutraceuticals that are scientifically proven to help people with migraine, exercises that are beneficial, and neuromodulation devices that are used for migraine treatment. This book also details how to make the lifestyle changes (e.g., what diet works, what exercises help) needed to bring migraine under control.

What is migraine?

Migraine is more than a headache. People with migraine experience a host of different symptoms that are related to the pathophysiology of migraine. These include dizziness, nausea, light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, autonomic symptoms, visual changes, and even some bizarre symptoms like Alice in Wonderland syndrome. The Migraine Manual guides you through the variety of symptoms and comorbid conditions that accompany migraine symptomatology.

What about migraine medications?

No book about migraine is complete without a discussion about all the medications available for treatment. The arsenal of migraine therapeutics has expanded tremendously in the past few years and as such, a thorough discussion about potential treatment options is essential. The Migraine Manual details both rescue and preventive treatments, discussing potential side effects, contraindications, and safety in pregnancy and lactation.


The Mediterranean Migraine Diet
